Astrology Sites:
The following websites are helpful to anyone interested in learning more about astrology:

Philip Levine at Cosmic Windows offers wonderful personalized calendars and appointment books that tell you what planetary influences and cycles are influencing you every day of the year. Philip has designed calendars for everyone, from professional astrologers to beginners. Explore his site at:

A variety of free horoscopes are available at this Swiss astrology site, Astrodienst:

A Place in Space offers astrological articles from around the world:

The Mountain Astrologer is an interesting and informative astrological magazine with lots of great articles: 

Other Interesting Sites:

This is the amazing site of Dana House, who uses Tibetan singing bowls and gongs in her healing practice and energy work. She also does incredible sound performances, and leads workshops and group meditations. Definitely worth a visit.

This site features incredible artwork and mandalas designed by Duane Carpenter, as well as information about Ancient Wisdom spiritual traditions:

David Spangler, one of the early spiritual teachers at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland and co-founder of the Lorian Association, writes a monthly newsletter of thoughts and inspirations. The following is his musings on the upcoming Visionary Season:

Joseph Campbell, famous for his injunction to "follow your bliss" brought amazing insights into the worlds of mythology, comparative religion, spiritual questing and symbolism. The Joseph Campbell Foundation continues the work of this extraordinary man:


Introductory Astrology Books:

Douglas Bloch and Demetra George: Astrology for Yourself

Alan Oken:      Complete Astrology
                        Houses of the Horoscope

Stephen Arroyo:  Chart Interpretation Handbook
                            Astrology, Karma and Transformation
Liz Greene:     Saturn, A new Look at an Old Devil

Howard Sasportas: The Twelve Houses

More Advanced Astrology Books:

Any books by both Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas

Dane Rudhyar: The Lunation Cycle
                          Astrology of Personality

Alan Oken: Soul Centered Astrology

Melanie Reinehart: Chiron and the Healing Journey

Alice Bailey: Esoteric Astrology

Richard Tarnas:  Cosmo and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View