The development of Soul, and the relationship between Self and ego are major themes of esoteric astrology. That's why this branch of astrology is also referred to as the “astrology of the Soul.” But what do we mean when we talk about "the soul"? And what do we mean by "spirit"? Are “soul” and “spirit” interchangeable concepts? Since these words have different meanings to different people, it may be helpful to clarify these terms within the framework of esoteric astrology and the Ageless Wisdom.
According to the Ageless Wisdom tradition, "spirit" and "soul" are two related but distinct concepts and energies. From the perspective of these teachings, spirit represents the underlying Life or Being of all that is; soul represents the underlying Consciousness or Self-awareness of all that is. One way to understand the differences between the concepts of “spirit,” “soul” and “matter” is by using the analogy of that mysterious, taken-for-granted phenomenon: electricity. The development of Soul, and the relationship between Self and ego are major themes of esoteric astrology. That's why this branch of astrology is also referred to as the “astrology of the Soul.” But what do we mean when we talk about "the soul"? And what do we mean by "spirit"? Are “soul” and “spirit” interchangeable concepts? Since these words have different meanings to different people, it may be helpful to clarify these terms within the framework of esoteric astrology and the Ageless Wisdom.
All electrical phenomena begin with positive and negative polarities. In using this analogy, we can think of spirit as the positive (+) or masculine polarity and matter as the negative (-) or receptive, feminine polarity of our universe. In electrical terms, when positive and negative polarities “marry” or join together in a closed conducting loop, a third “something” is created. This third factor is comprised of both positive and negative [+-] energy. Simply put, the magnetic interplay of positive and negative polarities creates a new, third energy field with properties of light and heat. Taken together, a unified, threefold field of energy-light-form is produced.
Similarly, we can think of spirit and matter as two equally important ends of a single polarized energy field, continuum or wholeness. The union of the two opposing poles creates the divine androgyne or hermaphrodite, which is a combination of both positive and negative polarities expressing as light (consciousness) and love (magnetic, mediating force). This third field, the product of the magnetic interplay between spirit (Life/Being) and matter (form/substance) is another term for soul.
These three united but distinct principles of positive spirit, negative matter and dual soul are the great manifested "trinity" acknowledged by most of the world's religions and mythologies. This trinity duplicates over scale, as expressed by the ancient Egyptian Hermetic axiom, “As Above, So Below.” On cosmic levels, the union of the spirit-matter polarity gives birth to great Solar Entities.These are the individualized, Self-conscious fiery Lights of the universe -- what we call stars or suns. On a planetary level, and in Earth’s spiritual and religious mythologies, this Light has been known as the various solar deities or "sun" gods and goddesses in manifestation: Christos or Christ, Horus,Vishnu, Krishna, Bastet, Aine, etc. When referring to human beings, we call this light the inner Christ, the Higher, Authentic Self, or the Solar Angel.
Although humans are threefold "divine, electrical sparks" in manifestation, most of us identify with our own form expression, our personality, as the totality of our reality. Yet more and more of us are becoming aware of an internal duality. We are aware of a subtle or even a strong distinction between the urgings of our ego and those of our soul. When this is the case, the conscious integration of these two parts of ourselves into one field becomes our goal. From there we can move on to a similar integration with spirit, our true inner essence or pure Being. When this is achieved, we finally become and know ourselves as the loving, harmonized unity we have always been.
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