Many people wonder how astrology works. How can planets and stars so far from Earth have any impact on the human beings who live on this planet? One answer, supported by both ancient wisdom and modern science, is that we live in a multidimensional, holographic universe full of a myriad of cosmic radiations and wave frequencies -- a universe in which everything is inter-connected, inter-related and duplicated across scale.
The latest research in both astrophysics and quantum mechanics indicates that all material existences are interconnected by and through a wave dimension that underlies all physical forms. Quantum physics in particular consistently demonstrates that material “reality” is not quite what it appears to be.
We are increasingly discovering that everything we believe to be solid here on Earth is, like the rest of the known universe, composed primarily of space – space which is relatively empty of matter. We are also finding out that matter itself is comprised of quanta or wave-particles that move back and forth between the wave state and the physical dimension.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the inner wave state is the underlying cause of physical “reality” and that the material world, as the ancient teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religious and mystical traditions have proclaimed, is a type of "illusion," an appearance, a reflection and duplication of that inner energy dimension.
The perspective that everything in the phenomenal world is connected by and through this wave state is also consistent with the views of spiritual or esoteric astrology. According to this approach to astrology, all apparently isolated forms are connected by and through an energy grid, a web or force-field that exists just beyond the physical dimension. This force-field receives and transmits energy and data in an analogous manner to the World Wide Web, which itself can be considered a reflection of this cosmic web.
As a result of the discoveries of astrophysics and quantum mechanics, we are also becoming increasingly aware of repeating patterns across vast scale and through multiple dimensions. We can think of these patterns as fractals within fractals, or holographic wholes within wholes, extending from the cosmic atoms we call galaxies to the systemic atoms called solar systems, to planetary atoms, to humanity, to a single human atom to our minuscule physical atoms. These replications across both scale and dimensions help prove the ancient Hermetic axiom: As Above, So Below.
Another way to express this idea is to say that the microcosm, or the “individualized particular” called a human being is an analogous reflection of the macrocosm, or the universal. Addressing the “individualized particular” brings us to the energy centers or chakras associated with the human body.
More and more people in the West are accepting the idea of the chakras, which is a commonly accepted concept in the Eastern hemisphere of our planet. The seven primary centers or chakras are generally described as vortices of force within an energy field or energy body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical. Each vortex receives energy and data from other dimensions and transmits them to the physical. However, this raises the question: Where do these transmitted energies come from? The answer takes us right back to the idea of replicating patterns across dimensions and scale.
According to many spiritual and mystical traditions, our unfathomably vast, mysterious universe is the outer, phenomenal expression of a singular, immense Intelligence, itself refracted into countless billions of lesser Intelligences or great Conscious Lives, Who express themselves through galaxies and constellations and star systems and planets.
These energies are transmitted through the cosmic web or force-field that surrounds every living being in the universe, including human beings. Through the agency of our seven major centers, we receive data, vibrations, qualities, and characteristics from the constellations, stars and planets that comprise our immediate universe and our zodiac of 12 signs. And thus we play our part, consciously or unconsciously, in the unfolding of the plans of the great cosmic Mystery. And this is one way to understand how astrology works.
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