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SUN IN SCORPIO: Oct 23- Nov. 22
NEW MOON: Nov. 11, 19' Scorpio, 12:47 pm EST
SUN IN SAG: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
FULL MOON: 3' Sag-Gemini, Nov. 25, 5:44 pm
Tests, struggle, battle, darkness, death, release, transformation, rebirth, regeneration, victory.
SUN IN VIRGO: Aug. 22 - Sept. 23
NEW MOON: Sept. 13 (partial solar eclipse) 20' Virgo
SUN IN LIBRA: Sept. 23 - Oct. 23
FULL MOON: 4' Libra-Aries, Sept. 27 (lunar eclipse),
10:50 pm EDT
VIRGO (The Cosmic Mother; the Womb of Time and Space), Gives Birth to the Cosmic Christ, on Earth and in the Heavens:

SUN IN LEO: July 22 - August 22
SATURN DIRECT: 28' Scorpio, Aug. 2
NEW MOON: 21' Leo, Aug. 14, 10:53 am EDT
SUN IN VIRGO: Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
FULL MOON: 6' Virgo-Pisces, Aug, 29, 2:35 pm EDT
Astrology usually focuses on individual horoscopes, with the Earth at the center, and the zodiacal wheel on the circumference. The zodiac is considered to be made up of 12 separate signs, but from another perspective it is comprised of 6 interconnected force-fields or polarities. Leo and Aquarius form one such polarity. So in addition to being two distinct signs, they also form two halves of one energy field. One of the main functions of the Leo-Aquarius energy field is to stimulate the development of "consciousness."
And the zodiac does not really form the boundary of the horoscope, or of our solar system. The zodiac is not an enclosed field: each of the 12 signs transmits other cosmic energies into our system. These energies come from cosmic centers which are affiliated with our own sun.
For instance, Leo transmits cosmic energy from the star Sirius, which is to our sun what the Higher Self or Soul is to the human personality. Together, the energies of Sirius and Leo help to develop self-consciousness, love and wisdom within human beings.
Aquarius transmits the cosmic energy of the star Alcyone, in the Pleiades. This is the cosmic centre around which our whole solar system revolves. Together the energies of Alcyone and Aquarius expand human consciousness beyond the limits of self-awareness and self-identification into much greater spheres of group and, eventually, universal awareness.
As each individualized divine spark or Soul cycles around the great zodiacal wheel, we incarnate under the influence of first one then another sign. Each time Leo is the dominant energy "self-consciousness" is emphasized and developed. This self-awareness is different than the awareness developed in Cancer, for instance, which is the sign just before Leo. Cancer's energy stimulates mass consciousness or the herd instinct, and allows the Soul to have an opportunity to understand mass awareness (or social, public, conforming consciousness), and to develop the emotional sensitivity and empathy which are stimulated by Cancer's rulers, the Moon and Neptune.
Leo, on the other hand, is ruled by the Sun, the central life force of our system, on both the personality and Soul levels. Leo and the Sun stimulate individuality as opposed to the general group thoughts and feelings associated with Cancer. Leo develops the separate, particular and individuated self-identity that distinguishes human beings from each other, and from other planetary life forms. The development of a strong ego is an important stage of human evolution, and this is why the ego nature of the person born under Leo can be so self-centered and self-preoccupied: it is the purposeful intent of this sign to create self-consciousness and a powerful individuality.
As part of its development, the personality or ego nature needs to recognize itself as distinct from the herd, as capable of individual and self-directed thought and actions. The ego needs to see itself as the center of the universe, so that it can develop as a creative, empowered, self-motivated, and self-activated unit. This is an important phase in the Soul's fashioning of its instrument, the personality, or its personal-identity in form.
But this is only one stage of the Soul's experience in Leo. After the ego has been developed, the Higher Self gradually imposes on its "reflection in form" the understanding that over-identification with self-interest, self-fulfillment, and self-empowerment create definite limitations. Gradually, the ego or small self begins to recognize the illusion of its being the centre of the universe. As the Soul repeatedly incarnates under the influence of Leo, the power of the Soul becomes stronger and stronger, until the quality of Self-consciousness dominates, the heart of the Sun rules, and the true Lionhearted initiate or "enlightened" being comes into expression.
A similar situation results from the energy and influence of Aquarius. At first, the egocentric individual under Aquarius demonstrates a very superficial self-awareness and a superficial identification with others. This ego-centered Aquarius is influenced by (Cancer-like) "group thought," fashion, popular trends, and socially accepted ideas and beliefs. For many incarnations the personalities influenced by Aquarius tend to identify with small family, social, work, or recreational groups. They want to fit in, be accepted and be part of the group.
Gradually, as the Soul matures in experience, the repeating influence of incarnations under Leo-Aquarius creates a deepening of values and interests. As knowledge and wisdom develop, "group think" changes into progressive, original ideas and actions. Uranus, the personality ruler of Aquarius and the planet associated with abstract mind, uniqueness, originality, and freedom from conformity, also helps this process. As the self-conscious personality becomes less self-centered, less focused on its own needs and desires, its energy and attention are drawn out into the surrounding environment, and eventually into the greater world arena.
The Aquarian then becomes interested in and associated with larger groups, and with social, political, cultural, and/or environmental issues, concerns and activism. Instead of simply wanting to fit in, the Soul-centered Aquarian is concerned with expressing creative individuality (Leo) in service to a larger cause.
Jupiter, the ruler of Aquarius on the dimension of Soul, steadily influences from behind the scenes, and helps to expand the individual's awareness from group to universal consciousness. This gradual expansion into an identification with the Oneness, unity and connection of all Life then expresses as global awareness and unity with all humanity, the planet and eventually the cosmos. And thus do Leo and Aquarius work together to develop human awareness into cosmic consciousness.
SUN IN CANCER: June 21 - July 22
FULL MOON: 9' Cancer-Capricorn, July 1, 5:10 pm EDT
NEW MOON: July 15
SUN IN LEO: July 22 - August 22
BLUE FULL MOON: 7' Leo-Aquarius, July 31, 6:43 am EDT
SUN IN GEMINI: May 21 - June 21
FULL MOON: 11' Gemini-Sag, June 2, 12:19 pm EDT
MERCURY DIRECT: 4' Gemini, June 11 (shadow ends June 28)
NEW MOON: 25' Gemini, June 16
SUN IN CANCER: June 21 - July 22
Gemini is an air sign, ruled by the planet Mercury on the personality level, and by the planet Venus from the perspective of the Higher Self or Soul. Gemini is symbolized by the twins, Castor and Pollux. In Greek mythology Castor was mortal and Pollux, fathered by Zeus, was immortal. Castor, therefore, represents the human ego or personality, and Pollux symbolizes the divine Self. The twins are also archetypes that represent all the inherent opposites and dualities of life. This is why individuals born under this sign are often accused of being split personalities – sometimes exhibiting one characteristic, sometimes its opposite.
Mercury, the planet of mind, communication and inter-relationship, is the traditional and external ruler of Gemini. Individuals who are focused on building their personalities under the influences of Gemini and Mercury are usually intelligent, curious, versatile, fluid, and changeable. These Geminis
can also be high-strung, nervous and indecisive.
Restless, adaptable and
seeking a variety of experiences, it is often difficult for these Geminis to stick to
anything long enough to master it, before they are distracted by something they
find even more interesting. They lack concentration and are easily bored. Hence
the reputation of many under this sign for being superficial, irresponsible and
lacking depth, commitment and sustained effort.
After many life experiences and incarnations under Gemini's influence, Mercury is able to relate the polarities within the
personality to each other, helping to integrate the different and often
warring traits of mind, emotions and body into a unified, focused individuality.
Once the ego nature is integrated, the individual can then become responsive to the
higher energies of Venus, the esoteric or Soul-ruler of this sign.
On the higher, abstract dimensions of mind, the
natural abode of our Souls, Venus represents the consciousness of light and love, or the wisdom and values of the divine, spiritual Self. After personality integration takes place, Venus begins the process
of unifying the greater duality: that of Soul and personality. In other words,
with Venus’ help the lower and higher aspects of Self are integrated into a
harmonious, functioning whole.
Once this alignment is in process, the Geminis who
respond to these higher energies are able to see all polarities as a continuum,
or as two sides of one unity. They tend, therefore, to be inclusive, loving and
balanced. These individuals are often extremely witty and bright, but they
use their minds for a higher purpose. Rather than just being scattered and
reactive, seeking change for its own sake, they tend to be focused and
inspired. They can also be extremely creative and expressive.
These Geminis
make excellent communicators and educators, giving shape and substance to their
ideas and inspirations through the written and spoken word, through the
sciences, or through visual or performing arts. Generally very social and
outgoing, these Geminis can also be excellent mediators and networkers, bringing
together individuals, groups or organizations in a common, and often a humanitarian,
cause. Soul-infused or Self-directed Geminis use the energies of Mercury and Venus together, to bring the wisdom, love and lessons garnered through many incarnations into expression in the world, for the benefit of others.

All of the energies and characteristics associated with the sign Gemini and its two ruling planets, Mercury and Venus, can be accessed this month while the Sun transits this sign. Ideas, communication, expression, creativity, integration, and the bringing together of diverse people and events are key elements that can be focused on to good effect at this time.
Since Mercury will still be retrograde or in its slow shadow phase for most of the month, this is a good time to reflect on and revisit previous plans, intentions, unfinished projects, and incomplete communications. It is also a good time to address and heal personal relationships, as well as to focus on personal integration and healing through meditation, journaling, sharing, counseling, massage, dance, music, or movement.
Gemini rules the arms and hands, so any form of creative and artistic expression using the hands is encouraged. This includes making use of the higher aspects of Venus by reaching out to others with love and compassion; or by sharing knowledge, insights and wisdom, both verbally and non-verbally. The latter can be accomplished through energy exchange, media, the arts, or simply by being present, conscious and caring. Venus in Leo for most of the month reinforces the loving, expressive and creative nature of Venus, and provides even greater opportunities to give form to the higher aspects of the planet, as an expression of Soul.

All of the energies and characteristics associated with the sign Gemini and its two ruling planets, Mercury and Venus, can be accessed this month while the Sun transits this sign. Ideas, communication, expression, creativity, integration, and the bringing together of diverse people and events are key elements that can be focused on to good effect at this time.
Since Mercury will still be retrograde or in its slow shadow phase for most of the month, this is a good time to reflect on and revisit previous plans, intentions, unfinished projects, and incomplete communications. It is also a good time to address and heal personal relationships, as well as to focus on personal integration and healing through meditation, journaling, sharing, counseling, massage, dance, music, or movement.
Gemini rules the arms and hands, so any form of creative and artistic expression using the hands is encouraged. This includes making use of the higher aspects of Venus by reaching out to others with love and compassion; or by sharing knowledge, insights and wisdom, both verbally and non-verbally. The latter can be accomplished through energy exchange, media, the arts, or simply by being present, conscious and caring. Venus in Leo for most of the month reinforces the loving, expressive and creative nature of Venus, and provides even greater opportunities to give form to the higher aspects of the planet, as an expression of Soul.
SUN IN TAURUS: April 20 - May 20
FULL MOON: 13' Taurus-Scorpio, May 3, 11:42 pm EDT
NEW MOON: 27' Taurus, May 18, 00:13 am EDT
Taurus, an earth sign, is associated in most peoples’ minds with desire – desire for material or other types of possessions, and for wealth, resources and all the comforts of life. The basic personality keynote of this sign, which stimulates a general urge to own, is: “I want; I have.” Psychologically, Taurus governs our values, since what we deem important determines what it is that we seek to own or possess in our lives. So, from the perspective of personality development, Taurus, along with another earth sign, Capricorn, represents the heights (or depths) of personal ambition, greed and materialistic self-interest.
But there are other dimensions of Taurus’ energy that influence those who are sensitive enough to respond to them. On a higher turn of the spiral and from a spiritual perspective, Taurus also stimulates the cosmic “Principle of Sharing.” This Principle is itself an expression of the underlying unity and interconnection of all life. Another way to say this is that sharing and generosity are expressions of the heart and Soul. They are aspects of the Law of Attraction and the Will to Good, both of which are cosmic laws that permeate our solar system.
But there are other dimensions of Taurus’ energy that influence those who are sensitive enough to respond to them. On a higher turn of the spiral and from a spiritual perspective, Taurus also stimulates the cosmic “Principle of Sharing.” This Principle is itself an expression of the underlying unity and interconnection of all life. Another way to say this is that sharing and generosity are expressions of the heart and Soul. They are aspects of the Law of Attraction and the Will to Good, both of which are cosmic laws that permeate our solar system.
As greater numbers of our humanity broaden their awareness beyond the limits of personality (and the sense of separation that ego-identity generates), the more responsive we all become to higher dimensions of Consciousness and to these cosmic laws. The more we are able to integrate the apparent duality between Consciousness and form within ourselves, the more we align with the Soul within all.
Thus, the more spiritually and psychologically integrated we become as individuals, the more inclusive we become as a species, since expansions in individual consciousness impact and alter the collective consciousness. When we are aligned with the collective, we stop thinking in terms of “us and them.” We recognize that “they” are only mirrors, reflecting ourselves back to us. We understand that we are all aspects of the whole, we are all interconnected, we are all sharing in the same holographic (and, therefore, relatively illusionary) planetary experience. All these recognitions help us tune into the higher vibrations of Taurus.
Just as the planet as a whole is being stimulated by the frequencies of the new “Age of Aquarius,” so humanity as a whole is being stimulated and challenged by the energies of Taurus, in its higher and lower manifestations. We can see these challenges playing out in the field of economics, which is also ruled by Taurus, and in the battle over values that is currently taking place.
On one side are the forces of materialism, which have reached the height of their expression in the individualistic and competitive capitalist system. On the other side is an awakening humanity, demanding a more equitable and just distribution of planetary resources. Although for the most part still unconscious, this growing demand is based on an increasing receptivity to the Principle of Sharing. This principle is both an ideal and an energy that is seeking expression through the planetary center which we call humanity.
An important point to keep in mind during any transitional period is the relativity of what we consider “good” and “evil” values. What was once an appropriate goal or stage of development can, once achieved, become a blockage to the next goal or phase. The scientific and industrial revolutions, for example, and the capitalistic system that they have created, have comprised an important and necessary phase of human development. Together they are responsible for the higher standard of living that many people of the world now enjoy.
But the capitalist system and its current technologies have also created severe inequities – symbolized by the 1% and the 99 % -- and environmental crises that are verging on planetary catastrophes. As it is now functioning, this system is no longer adequate to meet human and planetary needs. (Karl Marx tapped into the sharing principle, but only partially and through a glass darkly, and the Communist political and economic experiments that resulted from his perceptions have also been based on greed and power manipulations, and not on spiritual realities or ideals.
At this turning point in human history, humanity is now faced with a choice. We can continue to live in a world controlled by greed, separation, ambition, materialistic self-interest, fear, and competitive aggression against “the other.” We can continue to respond to the lower, materialistic energies of Taurus, where selfish “desire for more” rules, and where we are being driven to the brink of resource depletion. We can continue, for a while at least, in a world where we have control of the many by the few – specifically those few who are best at amassing and manipulating planetary wealth and resources, and who excel at using (and in most case, abusing) the power that that ability generates.
Or, we can consciously take part in and help to create a revolution in consciousness. As more and more human units are doing, we can become responsive to the higher, more inclusive, more compassionate aspects of our own natures. This part of ourselves – whether we label it Soul, Self, Spiritual Conscious, Buddhi, Atman or whatever – is also part of the planetary Oversoul. As such, this wise, inclusive, spiritually aware part of us is in tune with the unity of all Life and with cosmic laws, including the Principle of Sharing that Taurus represents.
Sharing in universal abundance is the birthright of all human beings. That birthright is currently being blocked. The intense astrological energies of the past few years, including Pluto acting as a wrecking ball as it makes its way through Capricorn, and the powerful alignment of planets over the past months and years, have all been helping to raise awareness of the issues of economic inequality and injustice. A greater demand for monetary and political freedom and equality has been rising around the planet. While it may seem that we are collectively still struggling and stumbling in the dark, new visions and new possibilities have been percolating into human awareness.
As spiritually conscious humans, we can act as counterweights to the still dominant forces of materialistic greed, and we can help give life to these more refined, inclusive and compassionate energies and values. We have the opportunity to help invoke these ideas and visions, to give them substance and form, so that they may become the ideals and values that motivate humanity to create new structures, new systems, and new ways of being in the world. We can act as mediators, helping to create positive relations with each other and planetary resources based on universal principles.
Taurus and Scorpio together are two sides of a single polarity, and in their higher manifestations they represent the transformation of darkness into Light, of destruction into creativity, of blindness into vision, of ignorance into wisdom, and of personal desire into spiritual purpose and direction.
The Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon is the second of the three spring full moons (Aries, Taurus and Gemini) which set the spiritual tone for the coming year. At this Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon, we have an opportunity to move beyond our individual ego desires and concerns (no matter how interesting and compelling they may be), and focus our attention on the collective needs of humanity and the planet as a whole.
The alignment of energies at and near the full moon period creates an open door between dimensions that we can make conscious use of, and not just react to, if we choose. During this time it may be helpful to remember that the process of creativity begins with an idea. Everything tangible and material around us originated as a thought which eventually took shape.
Through the power of thought we are constantly manipulating our world, but for the most part we do so unconsciously. This is why meditation and focused intention are so powerful; they allow us to be receptive to ideas and inspirations that originate in dimensions beyond the human personality. We can then work with these inspired ideas with awareness and create with direction.
Over the next few days it may also be helpful to consider that peace on our planet will come as a result of the equitable and just distribution of the world’s resources and wealth – not the other way around. This is an idea that will eventually be understood and accepted by humanity once enough people are aligned with it, and critical mass is reached.
Through the power of thought we are constantly manipulating our world, but for the most part we do so unconsciously. This is why meditation and focused intention are so powerful; they allow us to be receptive to ideas and inspirations that originate in dimensions beyond the human personality. We can then work with these inspired ideas with awareness and create with direction.
Over the next few days it may also be helpful to consider that peace on our planet will come as a result of the equitable and just distribution of the world’s resources and wealth – not the other way around. This is an idea that will eventually be understood and accepted by humanity once enough people are aligned with it, and critical mass is reached.
During this full moon we can consciously invoke the Principle of Sharing so that, in our own small way, we help to anchor the new ideals, new values and new possibilities into the collective human consciousness, and birth these ideas into the Light of day.
MERCURY RETROGRADE: Not a time to start but to:
SUN IN ARIES: March 20 - April 20
FULL MOON: 14' Aries-Libra, April 4, 8:05 am EDT. Total Lunar Eclipse (falling on March's Uranus Square Pluto points; and within 2 degrees of Uranus at 16' Aries, Pluto at 15' Capricorn.)
EASTER SUNDAY: Sun Square Pluto (Death and Resurrection: Rebirth)
JUPITER DIRECT: 17' Leo, April 8
NEW MOON: 28' Aries, April 18
SUN IN TAURUS: April 20 - May 20
It is significant that the first full moon (and lunar eclipse) of the astrological new year falls during the Easter weekend, since Sun in Aries and the Aries-Libra full moon reinforce the theme of rebirth and resurrection. The intense pressures and conflicts of the past month, heightened by the Pluto-Uranus square in Pisces, the sign of death, endings, sacrifice, and release, have been mellowed recently by the uplifting, cleansing energies of spring.
And while we have all needed a period of recovery, rest and integration, this full moon will bring many of the previous concerns into sharper focus, to stimulate greater clarity and insight. This is particularly true of our external relations, and the balance needed between self-assertion and self-direction, and the accommodation of others' needs. This is true individually, and in terms of the relationship between nations. This is also true of our internal conflicts and our inner relation with Spirit.
In the yearly cycle, the Aries full moon represents the re-seeding of the cosmic Christ principle on the planet, or the distribution of solar love-light energy through the agency of the planetary Christos, or Christ. Cosmic Christ consciousness permeates every atom of matter on our planet; it is the divine spark at the center of each of our beings. It expresses through our heart, our soul, our Higher Self.
Most of us are only intermittently aware of this underlying, unifying energy, since personal concerns tend to occupy the majority of our attention. And, as a result of centuries of religious distortions, most of us are not fully aware of the inner symbolism of Easter in relation to the planetary Christ, who represents the Soul, or the solar Light within us all.
Our historical, planetary Christ demonstrated then (and continues to demonstrate now) the illusion of death and the eternal nature of Life. Christ embodies the balanced, harmonious alignment between the individualized, Self-conscious particle we call a human being and the greater cosmic reality in which all human particles exist. Christ symbolizes the control of Consciousness over form, and the power of Spirit to dissolve division and reveal underlying unity.
Libra is about choice. This weekend we can choose to align with this Christ light within us, and within the planetary heart, in a more open and powerfully receptive way. We can choose to focus our attention on the Light and Love now being released on the planet. We can help balance and transform the dark, oppressive energies that have emerged from the shadows over the past month and the past three years, within ourselves and externally. We can consciously add our energy to the solar and planetary energies of resurrection and rebirth; we can help seed new foundations and new directions for the coming year, for ourselves and for the planet. These opportunities are currently on offer, if we so choose.
FULL MOON: Pisces-Virgo 14' March 3, 1:05 pm EST
(with Venus conjunct Uranus in Aries, trine Jupiter in Leo)
URANUS SQUARE PLUTO: 15 ' Aries and Capricorn respectively - March 16, 17 (7th and final square in a cycle that began in 2012) Concurrent aspects:
Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries;
Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus, Mars;
Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces, squared by Saturn in Sag.
The strongest themes this month relate to the planets
Uranus and Pluto, which are in process of completing their three-year-long
square dance. The underlying theme of Pluto is death; that of Uranus is freedom.
Both themes are particularly fitting for the month of March. During the first
part of the month we have been under the influence of Pisces, ruled esoterically
by Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth.
Pisces is the last sign in the yearly cycle; its energy is also about completion, endings and death. Pisces stimulates reliving and reviewing the past, to help us recognize our prisons and limitations; to help us see what is obsolete and in need of releasing. Together, Pisces and Pluto are about loss, letting go, surrender, sacrifice, transforming, dying, and preparing for rebirth. These energies are reinforced by the presence in Pisces of Neptune, the god of the waters, whose capacity for sacrifice, purification and devotion to higher ideals helps dissolve old, limiting structures, ideas, habits and beliefs.
Aries, which begins at the Spring Equinox on March 20, is the first sign of the zodiac. Its energy is about beginnings, new life, the birth of new ideas and forms, and putting ideas into action. Uranus inspires innovative, original ideas, but also new ways of looking at old issues. It is about the creation of new structures that better reflect expanded awareness. In its effort to align outer reality with inner vision, Uranus stimulates the desire for freedom from past limitations, from control by others, and from restrictions of all types. And while Pluto's energy is slow and deep, Uranus brings sudden insights and unexpected changes.
Uranus rules Aries from the perspective of the whole human family, and not just individuals or groups. Uranus also rules Aquarius, the sign that will condition the new era, or the 2,100 year-cycle which is now starting. Together, Aries and Uranus are transforming the present in order to seed the future.
When the Pluto-Uranus interaction, which is culminating in Pisces, is added to the above energies we can understand why the theme of death and the struggle for freedom has been strong for so many over the past month. Pressures and tensions have been building as the polarities of past and future, old and new, death and birth have been colliding. This theme will be reinforced on March 20, when the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in the last degree of Pisces occurs on the same day as the Sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox!
Everything that affects our individual struggles and challenges can also be applied to society and humanity as a whole, reflecting the adage “as above, so below; as within, so without.” The effects of the seven exact Pluto-Uranus squares are not limited to this month, but have been building over the past three years, and their influence will continue to be felt not only for the rest of this month and next, but for some years to come. The last time these planets were in square aspect was in the early 1930s. This intense period in our planetary history witnessed the height of the Great Depression, the Dustbowl, and the rise of Hitler and other dictators, who consolidated their power and set the stage for World War II.
In the mid-1960s Pluto and Uranus conjoined in Virgo. This era saw the overthrow of the conformist, materialistic values of the previous decade, and the release of new energies and ideas centered on love, community, nature, globalism, and freedom – both freedom of expression and freedom from constraint. The seeds sown in that era still impact today, through music, environmental awareness, and community and global values.
The dance that Pluto and Uranus have been doing over the past three years has been a challenging one for our humanity. We are in a critical, pivotal time on Earth, and lines of demarcation are being drawn between factions vying for planetary control. On one hand, Pluto in Capricorn seems to have been strengthening the current power structures, and the systems of governance and economic dominance in our world. Pluto, the planet of will as well as destruction, appears to have empowered the lowest aspects of Capricorn, or the forces of greed, corruption and control which dominate these power structures, further enabling their resistance to change, growth and inclusiveness.
These willfully entrenched, selfish human beings represent the most materialistic side of humanity, and of ourselves, but they are also helping to present humanity with a clear choice: either follow their path or reject it in favor of another. And while these self-centered egos have empowered themselves with the lowest aspects of Pluto in Capricorn, on a higher level Pluto has been acting as a wrecking ball, destroying many outmoded forms and ideas, and bringing hidden corruption, greed, lies, and manipulations out of the shadows and into the public eye.
These revelations can help humanity make a more informed choice about the path they will follow, based on greater knowledge, not merely deception and misinformation. Think of the rash of exposés over the past few years, from the sex and banking scandals of the Catholic Church and the Vatican, to the revelations of whistle-blowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and many others. Think also of the intense backlash that these courageous people have faced at the hands of those in power who want secrets to remain secret.
And think too of the steady revelations, particularly through the Internet and alternative media, about corporate greed; government and corporate collusion in economic policy and environmental degradation; spying on citizens; hidden wars, tortures, and drone executions; the continuous creation of false flags to justify the eradication of due process, and the erosion of constitutionally-entrenched rights and freedoms; the corporatization of conventional media; and many other hidden manipulations orchestrated by members of the political/industrial/military complex.
The other path that humanity can follow, as we head towards crises that will likely precipitate conscious choice, is the one symbolized by Uranus, transmitting the higher energies of Aries and Aquarius. Humanity has an opportunity to choose to create a very different reality on Earth. The outlines of a brighter future are still visible through the shadows that have descended on the planet since 9/11. The higher energies of Aquarius, focused through Uranus, are anchoring a clearer understanding of human interconnectedness and interdependence, and a recognition of the oneness of human experience. This awareness is already held by so many, but not, unfortunately, by the majority of global political and economic leaders.
If a critical mass of humanity chooses the path of spirit over materialism, of compassion over selfishness, and of inclusion over division, then the transformational shift may be much quicker than we envision. The technology to save the planet’s ecosystems, and the means to create the equitable re-distribution of energies and resources can emerge through the inspiration and innovation of Uranus in Aries. Many of these technologies already exist, but their use has been deliberately blocked by corporate greed and self-interest.
Although greater and greater numbers of people are awakening, humanity may need to be brought to its knees before it will truly understand what is at stake, and realize that the power to overcome the manipulations of misguided leaders is in our hands. We have the power to demand that higher values control, and that all humans, not just the elite few, contribute to and share in Earth’s living abundance.
It need not come to that, if enough wake up, and stand up, for freedom against oppression and equitable justice for all. Pluto and Uranus have been helping this process through the series of seven squares which is now culminating. And at this time Mars has also joined the dance; it has been in Aries for the past month and conjunct Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn the past two weeks.
The combination of Uranus and Mars adds another layer of dynamic energy to Aries' already firey, impulsive and pioneering nature, propelling the process of renewal and rebirth forward even more intensely. Mars, the god of war, is the external ruler of Aries. In its lowest manifestations, Mars stimulates anger, aggression, irrational devotion, and impulsive actions. On a global scale, and unchecked, this energy can lead to rebellion, revolution and war. But Mars is also about courage, and the capacity to overcome obstacles and put ideals into action. So Mars and Uranus together can also inspire the underlying spirit of freedom within humanity (and within each of us) to rise up and triumph.

Pisces is the last sign in the yearly cycle; its energy is also about completion, endings and death. Pisces stimulates reliving and reviewing the past, to help us recognize our prisons and limitations; to help us see what is obsolete and in need of releasing. Together, Pisces and Pluto are about loss, letting go, surrender, sacrifice, transforming, dying, and preparing for rebirth. These energies are reinforced by the presence in Pisces of Neptune, the god of the waters, whose capacity for sacrifice, purification and devotion to higher ideals helps dissolve old, limiting structures, ideas, habits and beliefs.
Aries, which begins at the Spring Equinox on March 20, is the first sign of the zodiac. Its energy is about beginnings, new life, the birth of new ideas and forms, and putting ideas into action. Uranus inspires innovative, original ideas, but also new ways of looking at old issues. It is about the creation of new structures that better reflect expanded awareness. In its effort to align outer reality with inner vision, Uranus stimulates the desire for freedom from past limitations, from control by others, and from restrictions of all types. And while Pluto's energy is slow and deep, Uranus brings sudden insights and unexpected changes.
Uranus rules Aries from the perspective of the whole human family, and not just individuals or groups. Uranus also rules Aquarius, the sign that will condition the new era, or the 2,100 year-cycle which is now starting. Together, Aries and Uranus are transforming the present in order to seed the future.
When the Pluto-Uranus interaction, which is culminating in Pisces, is added to the above energies we can understand why the theme of death and the struggle for freedom has been strong for so many over the past month. Pressures and tensions have been building as the polarities of past and future, old and new, death and birth have been colliding. This theme will be reinforced on March 20, when the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in the last degree of Pisces occurs on the same day as the Sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox!
Everything that affects our individual struggles and challenges can also be applied to society and humanity as a whole, reflecting the adage “as above, so below; as within, so without.” The effects of the seven exact Pluto-Uranus squares are not limited to this month, but have been building over the past three years, and their influence will continue to be felt not only for the rest of this month and next, but for some years to come. The last time these planets were in square aspect was in the early 1930s. This intense period in our planetary history witnessed the height of the Great Depression, the Dustbowl, and the rise of Hitler and other dictators, who consolidated their power and set the stage for World War II.
In the mid-1960s Pluto and Uranus conjoined in Virgo. This era saw the overthrow of the conformist, materialistic values of the previous decade, and the release of new energies and ideas centered on love, community, nature, globalism, and freedom – both freedom of expression and freedom from constraint. The seeds sown in that era still impact today, through music, environmental awareness, and community and global values.
The dance that Pluto and Uranus have been doing over the past three years has been a challenging one for our humanity. We are in a critical, pivotal time on Earth, and lines of demarcation are being drawn between factions vying for planetary control. On one hand, Pluto in Capricorn seems to have been strengthening the current power structures, and the systems of governance and economic dominance in our world. Pluto, the planet of will as well as destruction, appears to have empowered the lowest aspects of Capricorn, or the forces of greed, corruption and control which dominate these power structures, further enabling their resistance to change, growth and inclusiveness.
These willfully entrenched, selfish human beings represent the most materialistic side of humanity, and of ourselves, but they are also helping to present humanity with a clear choice: either follow their path or reject it in favor of another. And while these self-centered egos have empowered themselves with the lowest aspects of Pluto in Capricorn, on a higher level Pluto has been acting as a wrecking ball, destroying many outmoded forms and ideas, and bringing hidden corruption, greed, lies, and manipulations out of the shadows and into the public eye.
These revelations can help humanity make a more informed choice about the path they will follow, based on greater knowledge, not merely deception and misinformation. Think of the rash of exposés over the past few years, from the sex and banking scandals of the Catholic Church and the Vatican, to the revelations of whistle-blowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and many others. Think also of the intense backlash that these courageous people have faced at the hands of those in power who want secrets to remain secret.
And think too of the steady revelations, particularly through the Internet and alternative media, about corporate greed; government and corporate collusion in economic policy and environmental degradation; spying on citizens; hidden wars, tortures, and drone executions; the continuous creation of false flags to justify the eradication of due process, and the erosion of constitutionally-entrenched rights and freedoms; the corporatization of conventional media; and many other hidden manipulations orchestrated by members of the political/industrial/military complex.
The other path that humanity can follow, as we head towards crises that will likely precipitate conscious choice, is the one symbolized by Uranus, transmitting the higher energies of Aries and Aquarius. Humanity has an opportunity to choose to create a very different reality on Earth. The outlines of a brighter future are still visible through the shadows that have descended on the planet since 9/11. The higher energies of Aquarius, focused through Uranus, are anchoring a clearer understanding of human interconnectedness and interdependence, and a recognition of the oneness of human experience. This awareness is already held by so many, but not, unfortunately, by the majority of global political and economic leaders.
If a critical mass of humanity chooses the path of spirit over materialism, of compassion over selfishness, and of inclusion over division, then the transformational shift may be much quicker than we envision. The technology to save the planet’s ecosystems, and the means to create the equitable re-distribution of energies and resources can emerge through the inspiration and innovation of Uranus in Aries. Many of these technologies already exist, but their use has been deliberately blocked by corporate greed and self-interest.
Although greater and greater numbers of people are awakening, humanity may need to be brought to its knees before it will truly understand what is at stake, and realize that the power to overcome the manipulations of misguided leaders is in our hands. We have the power to demand that higher values control, and that all humans, not just the elite few, contribute to and share in Earth’s living abundance.
It need not come to that, if enough wake up, and stand up, for freedom against oppression and equitable justice for all. Pluto and Uranus have been helping this process through the series of seven squares which is now culminating. And at this time Mars has also joined the dance; it has been in Aries for the past month and conjunct Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn the past two weeks.
The combination of Uranus and Mars adds another layer of dynamic energy to Aries' already firey, impulsive and pioneering nature, propelling the process of renewal and rebirth forward even more intensely. Mars, the god of war, is the external ruler of Aries. In its lowest manifestations, Mars stimulates anger, aggression, irrational devotion, and impulsive actions. On a global scale, and unchecked, this energy can lead to rebellion, revolution and war. But Mars is also about courage, and the capacity to overcome obstacles and put ideals into action. So Mars and Uranus together can also inspire the underlying spirit of freedom within humanity (and within each of us) to rise up and triumph.
FULL MOON: AQUARIUS-LEO 14' Feb. 3, 6:09 pm EST
MERCURY DIRECT: Feb. 11 (shadow period until March 1)
NEW MOON: 29' Aquarius Feb 18, 6:47 pm
SUN IN PISCES: Feb. 18 - March 20
Almost everyone has heard about the Age of Aquarius. Many people know that we are leaving the Age of Pisces behind and are entering a new astrological era. Far fewer people understand the astronomical reason behind this occurrence, which is based on the precession of the vernal equinox through the signs. The vernal equinox point is the day in the year, usually March 21, when day and night are of equal length. This point marks the first day of spring. But what, exactly, is the precession of the equinox?
The Precession of the Vernal Equinox and the Signs: Every year the Sun moves through the heavens in its annual cycle. Or so it seems to humans on Earth. But this is all part of the great illusion of life on Earth, because, of course, it is the Earth that revolves around the Sun. The cyclic path or plane of the Earth’s orbit is called the ecliptic. The apparent movement of the Sun along the ecliptic is symbolic, and yet it is also very real in its effects on Earth, since this is our perspective of space. This is the reality that we experience.
Astrologically, the ecliptic has been divided into 12 equal sections of 30 degrees each, starting at the vernal or spring equinox with 0 degrees Aries. Each of these sections represents one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. At one time, the signs on the ecliptic were aligned with the constellations of the same name that were behind them in space. The signs and the constellations matched up. The constellation of Aries in the heavens stood behind the 30 degree section of the ecliptic called the sign Aries. However, that is not the case today.
The vernal equinox point has been retrograding, or moving backwards, along the ecliptic. Because of this precession, or backward movement, for the past 2,000 years the constellation of Pisces has formed the background to the sign Aries. Now the vernal equinox point is starting to match up to the constellation of Aquarius.
Why the Vernal Equinox Moves:
The discrepancy between the signs on the ecliptic and the constellations in space results from the rotational movement of the Earth, as it spins around its own axis while orbiting the Sun. The Earth wobbles in its rotation, like a spinning top, causing a circular change in the orientation of the Earth’s north/south axis over a cycle of approximately 25,600 years. This wobble also affects the celestial equator, which is really the Earth’s equator projected out into the cosmos. The yearly crossing of the celestial equator and the Earth’s ecliptic, which is the vernal equinox point, gradually shifts, causing this point (and 0 degrees Aries, and the signs) to also move backwards through the constellations over a cycle of 25,600 years. See Diagram below and at:
As the vernal equinox point moves backwards around the ecliptic, it spends approximately 2,160 years in each constellation (26,000 years divided by 12), with the constellation defining that Age or era. We are now at the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius” and are in a period of transition, as two Ages overlap. This transition is one of the major causes of the planetary turmoil, and the rapid, ever-accelerating changes that we have been experiencing over the past century.
From Pisces to Aquarius:
A new cycle began about 2,000 years ago when the vernal point entered Pisces, so the past 2,000 years have been ruled by Pisces, a water sign and the sign of the two joined Fish. The beginning of this Age was marked by the birth and life of the Christ. The Christian religion has relied heavily on the symbolism of fish. Christ was “the fisher of men,” many of his disciples were fishermen, and this symbol has been associated with Christianity over the past two centuries. Similarly, much of the world’s expansion and development during this time was also associated with water: water power and dams; ocean and river voyages of discovery; the use of navies, steam engines, ships, and ocean liners to explore, trade, amass, dominate, and exploit.
Water also symbolizes emotions. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the god of the sea, and the past 2,000 years have seen some of the best, and some of the worst, manifestations of the idealism and devotion associated with this planet. At their best, Pisces and Neptune contributed to the development of love and compassion, expressed by individuals, families, humanitarian organizations, and religious or spiritual associations throughout the planet.
Water also symbolizes emotions. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the god of the sea, and the past 2,000 years have seen some of the best, and some of the worst, manifestations of the idealism and devotion associated with this planet. At their best, Pisces and Neptune contributed to the development of love and compassion, expressed by individuals, families, humanitarian organizations, and religious or spiritual associations throughout the planet.
At its worst, this era has been marked by blind idealism, and often fanatical devotion to a belief system or cause, whether that cause is religious, as in the Crusades, the Inquisition, or more recently, Islamic Jihad, or is based on any other doctrine or ideology. The intense adherence to one belief system and intolerance towards others has manifested as wars over political, social and economic ideologies. These competing belief systems have included democracy, socialism, communism, capitalism, Marxism, Fascism, Social Darwinism, and nationalism, to name just a few of the "isms" that have shaped our planet over the past two millennia. Individuals and nations have also expressed extreme devotion to materialism, with all the accumulation and consumption associated with this ideology.
The Age of Aquarius:
The Age of Aquarius:
As we move into the era of Aquarius, humanity has an opportunity to express a radically different worldview. The energy of Aquarius is very different from the often exclusive, irrational idealism of Pisces, which has so easily expressed itself over the past centuries through the ignorance, biases and greedy desires of an emotionally-focused humanity.
Aquarius is an air sign, ruled by the planet Uranus. The element of air is associated with intellect, and with rational, creative and original thought processes. Aquarius is about ideas, innovations, networking, and communication. Because Aquarius is an intellectual sign, there is less focus on emotions and personal self-interest. Individuals born under Aquarius are often interested in larger planetary issues and social concerns. The spiritual keyword of this constellation is "service" and Aquarians tend to be the humanitarians of the Zodiac.
The growing concern about the environment and the use of science to address planetary problems are expressions of the energy of Aquarius. Rapid technological innovations; the forces of globalization; the vision of the planet as a “global village,” where everyone is interdependent and interconnected; the development of international institutions and structures; all these are the result of the incoming force of this constellation. The worldwide web, instant communication and all manner of electronic devices are also the result of Aquarian influence.
Yet this is just the beginning. We are only starting to become responsive to these new energies. They are not yet firmly anchored in human consciousness. We are only at the cusp of what will manifest during the next 2,100 year cycle. We are just getting a sense of what is possible. In the meantime, we are still in transition, caught between the past and the future. The forces of the past -- the entrenched powers in every area of human life -- are fighting desperately to hold on to their power, to keep the status quo, to keep human beings unconscious and unquestioning. The energy of the future is pulling a struggling humanity forward to new visions, new values, new ways of inter-relating, new technologies, and new ways of living in the world.
So the battle for the hearts and minds of humanity, dramatically illustrated by the two world wars and the almost constant conflict of the last century, is still raging. The future still appears uncertain. That is why it is more important than ever for each of us, as individuals, to blend the highest energies of Pisces with those of Aquarius -- to integrate our hearts and minds, our Souls and egos, so that we can more consciously contribute to the larger spiritual processes of planetary integration that are taking place now, during this pivotal time in human history. These are also some things to consider while the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius.
SUN IN CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 - Jan. 20
(Moon also conjunct Sirius)
NEW MOON: Aquarius 0', Jan. 20, 8:14 am EST
MERCURY RETROGRADE: (in Aquarius) Jan, 21 - Feb. 11
(Mercury in Aquarius Jan. 4 - March 12)
SUN IN SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
PLUTO SQUARE URANUS: Dec. 15, 12' Capricorn, 12' Aries
WINTER SOLSTICE: Dec. 21, 6:03pm EST
SUN IN CAPRICORN: Dec. 21, 6:03pm EST
NEW MOON: Dec. 21 0' Capricorn, 8:36 pm EST
This year the Winter Solstice coincides with a New Moon at 0 degrees Capricorn. The Solstice is the longest night/shortest day of the year, and has long been celebrated to mark the death and re-birth of the Sun in the yearly cycle.
This Solstice, which marks the first day of Capricorn and the winter season, coincides with a New Moon. The Sun and Moon also join Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, further emphasizing this sign's influence. This whole month has also been impacted by another exact square between Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. (See more information on this below.) So the influence of Capricorn, as it conditions our personalities and our Souls, is very powerful right now.
In its impact on our ego natures, Capricorn is the most materialistic and earthbound of all the signs. Ruled by Saturn, the planet with the rings, Capricorn's energy can provoke fear, limitation, personal ambition, greed, miserliness, and the desire for status, control, and authority. This is the sign of tradition, of conventional power structures, of CEOs, and dictators. These denser energies of Capricorn can bring out some of the worst of human qualities.
For those not dominated by the material world and their own egos, or for those responsive to their higher Self, Capricorn represents the opposite energy. It then symbolizes the mountain top of spiritual realization. This sign represents the heights of spirit attainment, once the arduous path up the mountainside is climbed with great effort, discipline, determination, and will. These are all attributes that Capricorn bestows upon those who align with its more refined energies.
In its highest expression Capricorn rules the process of initiation, or the process of experiencing a gradual series of expansions into new levels of consciousness and dimensions of being. This is a process of essentially becoming who we really are. After reaching the summit of initiation, the initiate then heads back down the mountain and, under the influence of the sign Aquarius, becomes a world server, dedicated to healing this planet of sorrow and strife, and guiding other seekers back up the mountain.
This Solstice and the New Moon present an excellent opportunity to reflect on the completion of the old year, and prepare for the new. The Solstice is also a time when people around the world will be celebrating through meditations and spiritual rituals. There is a growing intention to align with inner dimensions of consciousness and energy, to help heal and transform the planet, and raise the vibrational field of humanity. There is also an ever-growing awareness of global interconnectedness and shared responsibility. This period, therefore, presents an opportunity to reflect on larger, transpersonal issues, and on the changes and transformations required by the planet as a whole.

This month Pluto and Uranus form the sixth exact square out of seven, in a recurring pattern that began in 2012 and will end in 2015. The effect of this latest square has been building over the past few months and will continue into the new year.
Pluto is the planet of death, transformation, and rebirth. The ancient god of Hades, or the underworld, Pluto goes into the depths and shines a spotlight on that which is dark, dangerous or corrupt. Pluto then brings these "shadows" out of the depths and into the light of awareness. These "shadows" can be unconscious parts of ourselves or they can be previously hidden aspects of the external world. When Pluto impacts us, we can no longer hide and deny and repress, either individually or collectively.
Uranus stimulates originality, individuality, independence of thought and action, a desire for freedom, and concerns about social reform. Individually and collectively, this energy often translates as rebellion, revolt against authoritarian control, and a desire to create structures and forms of expression that reflect new, progressive ideas and ideals. Uranus has been in Aries, the sign of new beginnings, and the will to fight to bring that which is new and desired into being, since 2011.
Pluto has been moving through the sign Capricorn since 2008; the two planets have been doing their cosmic dance since 2012. The combination of these energies has been intense, creating great psychological, emotional and physical pressure, but they have also been helping us to become more aware of of ourselves, of our world. Each time the planets have closely linked, more of what has been hidden or repressed has come to light.
This forcing process is often difficult, challenging and uncomfortable, but we are seeing more clearly what is working, what is not; what needs to be released, what needs to change. Individually, many of us have been struggling with the structures in our lives, learning to let go of whatever has no longer been useful, necessary, and supportive to our growth and authentic being - whether people, things, beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. We have been learning to create space, inner and outer, so that we can die to the old and limiting, and be reborn into the new and more real.
On a collective level, we continue to experience ongoing challenges to conventional political, social and economic power structures and leaders. Together, Pluto and Uranus have been creating a push-pull dynamic, as the forces of change butt heads with the entrenched powers that be.
For example, as the corruption and racial profiling of an increasingly militarized American police force have been brought to public attention by police killings without consequences, large numbers of citizens have rallied together in nationwide protests and campaigns. Similarly, protests have been growing globally against multinational corporations like Monsanto and fossil fuel giants. The recent ban on fracking in New York state was a direct result of citizen protest.
These battles are indicative of the transformation that the planet is currently undergoing, as humanity fights to move forward into the new Aquarian era. This battle is being led by those souls who are responsive to the energies of Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, as it moves through the warrior sign Aries. Simultaneously, a growing awareness of the interconnectedness and unity of all life is being stimulated by Jupiter, the Soul ruler of Aquarius.
But even with this growing understanding that all of humanity is an expression of cosmic Life, resistance to the new energies and new possibilities remains strong among certain controlling, materialistic and self-serving groups of human beings. Spiritual will and love dominate on the inner dimensions. These energies are now in process of expressing more clearly on the physical dimension as well, but not without a fight.
Although these cosmic and planetary energies are being received by many, they are also being resisted by this powerful minority. Hence the battle. Hence also the demarcation between the 1% and the 99%. And although the majority of humans are still unaware, vast numbers are awakening. Pluto and Uranus are helping this awakening occur.
Pluto and Uranus are also stimulating those who are already awake to take action. This action can be expressed as increased spiritual awareness, meditation and alignment with the forces of Love and Light. As important as inner alignment is, action that includes greater external service to the planet and all its lifeforms is equally vital.
There is a time limit, a window of opportunity, in which to secure the safety of the ecosystems, in which to create a secure foundation for the coming era, based on higher principles and spiritual values. We are in the midst of that opportunity right now. We are in the midst of a battle for the hearts and minds and future of humanity. There is no doubt that, ultimately, the power of Light and Love will be victorious. But setbacks and delays are possible. The more we channel spiritual power, the more we do individually and collectively to help each other and the planet, the more quickly and easily this battle for a new era will be won.
the full moon period, the energy of the Sun sign and its opposite sign
(reflected to Earth by the Moon) are strongly connected. As I wrote under
Leo-Aquarius, opposite signs represent polarities, or two sides of
one energy field. As with any polarity, and at any given time, one side is positive
and the other negative or receptive. During the full moon, the Sun sign is the
dominant and conditioning energy; the Moon sign is the receptive force.
This makes more sense if we consider that the Sun
radiates energy while the Moon generates no light of its own; it only receives and
reflects the light of the Sun. Symbolically, the Sun represents and transmits the light
of Consciousness or Soul, and expresses itself through the Moon, which represents
matter, or the form nature in all its aspects. This form nature includes our
personalities, in their three dimensions of mind-emotions-physical/etheric body.
the coming full moon, the Sun will be in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. To complicate matters, the Moon in
Pisces will be conjunct (next to) the planet Chiron (see the section on Chiron
below). Virgo stimulates our minds and bodies, Pisces our emotions. If used with awareness, the discriminating, analyzing, adapting, and refining
energy of Virgo can be expressed through, and balanced by, the sensitive,
intuitive, unifying qualities of Pisces. This merging of head and heart can
give birth to deep insights into our personal life, and can also intensify our
awareness of the underlying connections between everything and everyone.
On an archetypal
level, Virgo represents the Cosmic Mother, the great womb of time/space in
whose body all forms are created and from whom all things emerge. The great
Mother/Goddess nurtures the formation of "individualized" Souls, and gives birth to
all Self-conscious beings in the cosmos. We each do the same thing on a much,
much smaller scale, as our personalities eventually become the vehicles of our
Higher Consciousness. This long process of giving birth to our Self requires constant effort, adjustment and perfecting.
The continual striving for improvement that Virgo evokes gives this sign a reputation for being critical and judgmental, but in essence Virgo provides us
with an ideal vision that stimulates our effort and attainment, and is a catalyst
for our growth and development. That we can never measure up to the image of
our ideal Self also helps to keep our ego humble. Virgo fosters humility and a
sense of proportion as we become our own midwife, as we direct the process of giving birth to, or providing the form for, our higher Consciousness. As we do this, we are also giving expression to the planetary OverSoul, which we collectively comprise.
If we respond to the
higher aspects of Virgo’s energy during the full moon, we can gain greater
insight into how to practically and efficiently manifest our highest intentions.
We can have more clarity on how to improve our lives and make our circumstances, relationships, and ourselves healthier and more aligned.
We can have a deeper understanding about issues related to our work, co-workers,
career path, lifestyle, and well being.
Virgo rules the digestive system, which is the
external representation of an internal process. Virgo uses the mind, through Mercury,
to analyze what is taken in, to digest and absorb what is needed, and to eliminate
or let go of that which is used, harmful or unnecessary. This process of
continual discernment and adjustment helps us relate to the world with greater wisdom
and understanding. And, like any good mother, Virgo also helps us to nurture
ourselves and others.
In its higher aspect, the Moon in Pisces is sensitive,
inspired, imaginative, and mystical. The Moon here can reflect Pisces’
awareness of the unity underlying all apparently disconnected forms. Through Neptune,
the god of the universal waters, or the intuitive dimensions of the cosmos, Pisces can
stimulate our devotion to spiritual ideals, and can help develop our compassion
and a deeper connection to the Mysteries of Life.
During this full moon period,
we can be inspired to be more creative. Our romantic, idealistic sides may be stimulated. We can be more psychically sensitive
and tuned into the people and environment around us. We have the potential to be more aligned with our inner
Soul values, and more responsive to intuitive guidance and direction.
While the Leo-Aquarius polarity develops "consciousness," Virgo-Pisces develops "service." This concept gradually evolves from service to self, to service to Self, to service to the whole. The
higher aspects of Virgo-Pisces can therefore bring themes of meaning, self-sacrifice, intuition, and spiritual awareness to the fore. Their energies can provide us with a deeper
understanding of our place in the larger scheme, and the practical means
to manifest our visions and goals. Pisces, the last of the signs, is also about releasing and letting go of the old and outworn so that we can make room for new ideas, new possibilities, new visions. Virgo is birth; Pisces death and rebirth.
If used solely for selfish ends by the ego, however, these opportunities and qualities can degenerate into the negative expressions of both signs. Then the analytical, refining Virgo energy can deteriorate into critical judgment. The inspired, intuitive energy of Pisces can sink into overly emotional, sentimental and deceptive astral fog.
If used solely for selfish ends by the ego, however, these opportunities and qualities can degenerate into the negative expressions of both signs. Then the analytical, refining Virgo energy can deteriorate into critical judgment. The inspired, intuitive energy of Pisces can sink into overly emotional, sentimental and deceptive astral fog.
This combination can focus our attention on personal
dissatisfactions, self-pity and woes. Our whirling minds can keep us caught up
in details, worry and lack, blocking access to optimism and inspiration. Our
ego can identify itself as a victim, and can drown in a sea of disillusionment
and blame. The distorted Neptune tendency to project responsibility onto someone or
something else can be strong. So too can its tendency to avoid the messiness of
life through various forms of escapism.
Then, instead of clarity, emotional chaos and
disempowerment can result. Instead of tapping into the dimension of intuition, and
accurately reflecting this dimension with calm tranquility, we can become
agitated and reactive. Our emotions can so distort Neptune’s energies that we can
become immersed in fantasy and self-deception. We can use our minds to
rationalize our actions and firmly believe the stories we tell ourselves.
We may experience variations of both the higher and lower
qualities of these signs, depending on our own chart (including the houses which
contain 16 degrees Virgo-Pisces), the focus of our awareness, our life path,
lessons, and circumstances. Chiron’s connection to the Moon in Pisces makes
a mixed reaction particularly likely, since this planet can bring wounded parts of ourselves to our attention, and provide opportunities for greater healing and wholeness.
Together Chiron and the Moon stimulate
the emotional side of our personality, and can bring out unresolved issues,
patterns and sensitivities. Old wounds around family, mother,
childhood, adolescence, the feminine, repressed instincts/emotions, past abuses, addictions, and
outworn coping mechanisms can all come up. We may become more aware of our need
for boundaries, due to an over-identification with the role of teacher, caretaker and healer, or martyr and victim. These roles may no longer serve our highest good,
and may need to be adjusted, balanced or eliminated. While addressing old issues may
be painful, Chiron also presents us with an opportunity for healing through
insight and self-acceptance. If we are willing to be with and explore our feelings, we can use Virgo’s
detached analysis and Pisces’ intuitive guidance to work with, and through, this healing process.
A small planet
or planetoid, Chiron was named after a Centaur in Greek
mythology. Chiron was discovered in 1977 as it orbited between Saturn and Uranus,
and its archetypal energy seems to represent a bridge between the realms
associated with these two planets. Saturn stands for material forms and social structures, for maintaining traditions and the status quo, and for the power of external authority. Uranus represents the urge to rebel against or destroy the social structures, traditions and authorities that restrict individual freedom and growth.
Chiron symbolizes the capacity to connect with both planets in a distinct way. Chiron's energy fosters our ability to align with and follow our inner, spiritual authority. It helps us be committed to growth and authentic individuality, while also being committed to societal growth and transformation. The development of this integrative (not either/or but both/and) capacity, however, usually results from the experience of deep pain and suffering.
In Greek myth, Chiron was the son of Cronus (Saturn) and the nymph Philyra. Philyra changed herself into a mare to escape the advances of Cronus, but he deceived her and changed himself into a horse, and mated with her. Their union resulted in Chiron, who, like all Centaurs, was half horse, half human-like. Sadly, Chiron’s mother was so disgusted by his appearance that she rejected him, preferring to be turned into a linden tree.
Also abandoned by his father, Chiron was eventually fostered by the noble, wise and just Apollo, the Sun-god of healing, prophecy, music, and poetry. Apollo taught Chiron well, and he eventually became a wise healer, teacher and prophet himself. But though he was an immortal, Chiron accidently received a wound in his leg from one of Hercules’ poisoned arrows. While he was never able to heal this painful wound, his compassion and skill in healing others increased as he unsuccessfully sought a remedy.
Chiron symbolizes the capacity to connect with both planets in a distinct way. Chiron's energy fosters our ability to align with and follow our inner, spiritual authority. It helps us be committed to growth and authentic individuality, while also being committed to societal growth and transformation. The development of this integrative (not either/or but both/and) capacity, however, usually results from the experience of deep pain and suffering.
In Greek myth, Chiron was the son of Cronus (Saturn) and the nymph Philyra. Philyra changed herself into a mare to escape the advances of Cronus, but he deceived her and changed himself into a horse, and mated with her. Their union resulted in Chiron, who, like all Centaurs, was half horse, half human-like. Sadly, Chiron’s mother was so disgusted by his appearance that she rejected him, preferring to be turned into a linden tree.
Also abandoned by his father, Chiron was eventually fostered by the noble, wise and just Apollo, the Sun-god of healing, prophecy, music, and poetry. Apollo taught Chiron well, and he eventually became a wise healer, teacher and prophet himself. But though he was an immortal, Chiron accidently received a wound in his leg from one of Hercules’ poisoned arrows. While he was never able to heal this painful wound, his compassion and skill in healing others increased as he unsuccessfully sought a remedy.
are many themes and archetypes that arise from Chiron’s story. Chiron is part
animal, part divine, as are all humans. He was taught to value the rational, civilized
parts of himself by the Sun-god who symbolized reason and light. And although his
parents were both in animal form when he was conceived, his animal, instinctual
side was rejected by his mother, much as our culture has tried to sanitize and
repress the instinctual, natural functions of the body and the physical world. Chiron here represents the theme of healing the divide between the spiritual and the
instinctual sides of our natures, between the divine and the animal parts of
ourselves, or between Soul and personality, and also between mind and body.
the theme of a rejecting mother and an absent, weak or aggressive father is a common one in
the development of our individuality. The loneliness and isolation
experienced by a child of such parents often leads to the child feeling like an
orphan. Without loving relationships and a strong foundation of loving support, disassociation often occurs, where the child withdraws
into the world of fantasy and imagination as a form of self-protection. The
development of a healthy ego can then be either prematurely hastened or seriously hampered.
The pain of the wounds that
result from lack of love and appreciation of individuality can drive the child into a lopsided identification
with the rational mind or with the spiritual realms as a source of solace. The body instincts and emotional needs are then often suppressed, so that the individual can maintain a sense
of being above the material realm, of inhabiting an elevated consciousness beyond
and away from the source of wounding.
But the unexpressed instincts and energies associated with the animal-self do not disappear. They will make themselves known in some way until they are consciously acknowledged. They can often unconsciously control actions and behaviors through sabotage, shadow projections, accidents, physical, emotional and/or mental distress, crises or illness, as they demand to be recognized.
But the unexpressed instincts and energies associated with the animal-self do not disappear. They will make themselves known in some way until they are consciously acknowledged. They can often unconsciously control actions and behaviors through sabotage, shadow projections, accidents, physical, emotional and/or mental distress, crises or illness, as they demand to be recognized.
Chiron has a strong presence in our charts, the process of healing our wounds
often involves identifying, accepting and integrating three inner archetypal
energies: the victim, the wounder and the healer/rescuer. We usually can consciously
recognize and identify with one role, and will often project the other two parts of ourselves,
either as unconscious shadows or by repeatedly drawing people to us that embody
the unacknowledged archetypes that control us. If we identify ourselves as a victim, we may repeatedly form relations with the wounder or the rescuer, until our suffering forces us to face the meaning behind our pain, and we can free ourselves from these archetypal patterns.
If we are professional healers, the wounding we received helps us to become more compassionate and skilled. But Chiron also asks us to examine our motivations and boundaries within our role, and to assimilate the unacknowledged shadow parts of ourselves, so that we are not compulsively doing for others what we cannot do for ourselves.
Where Chiron falls in our birth chart gives us clues to the source and the areas of our deep and recurring wounding, and where we need to find balance and integration. The house that Chiron occupies is usually an area of our lives that is wounded or blocked, or where we are unable to function well, until the resulting pain and frustration force us to examine ourselves. Thus begins our healing journey. Chiron’s placement and aspects can also give us clues to the gifts, talents and unique contributions that we can make as we work, consciously and creatively, with Chiron’s energies to heal our wounds and to realize the potential of our authentic Self.
If we are professional healers, the wounding we received helps us to become more compassionate and skilled. But Chiron also asks us to examine our motivations and boundaries within our role, and to assimilate the unacknowledged shadow parts of ourselves, so that we are not compulsively doing for others what we cannot do for ourselves.
Where Chiron falls in our birth chart gives us clues to the source and the areas of our deep and recurring wounding, and where we need to find balance and integration. The house that Chiron occupies is usually an area of our lives that is wounded or blocked, or where we are unable to function well, until the resulting pain and frustration force us to examine ourselves. Thus begins our healing journey. Chiron’s placement and aspects can also give us clues to the gifts, talents and unique contributions that we can make as we work, consciously and creatively, with Chiron’s energies to heal our wounds and to realize the potential of our authentic Self.
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